
Two older women, overheard on a bus, Cancun.
“Oh, how are you?! I didn’t recognize you with your clothes on.”

Over cheap beer at Yamhill Pub, PDX.
“It’s just a hornet’s nest of sexual harassment if I do that.” ~Joe

Trivial Pursuit at The Basement Pub, PDX.
Q – What dropped 1,313 feet in 1980?
~“My balls.”

Q – What color were George Washington’s false teeth?
~“Compressed wool.”

Cesar Chavez; San Francisco
~”Colonel Sanders’ granddaughter was my mom’s sex ed teacher.” ~Sarah (on Southern connections)

St. Maries, ID
~”You never watched Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman?! Sully was the mountain man guy who’d always wear deer skin hides of something … Of a deer I guess.” ~Garrett

On a southbound ferry through Alaska’s Inside Passage

~”’80s hats or 80 hats? Were you talking about genre or quantity?” ~Jessie to Annie

~”He threw a sausage at my face at like 10 o’clock in the morning.”

2 thoughts on “Quotes”

  1. Amanda – Short, mouthy Asian.
    Dude – Tall, random intoxicated Indian man.
    Dude: scene-stopping me on my way into a bar.(To be said with a monotone ‘Native’ accent) “Hey, are you Native, you look a like you could be Native?”
    Amanda: “Uhm, actually I am half Japanese.”
    Dude: “Hey, that’s still Native!”
    Amanda: “Uhm…if I was in Japan.”
    Scene closes, Dude walks slowly away, confused.

    *Not sure that is a quote..but a mildly entertaining short non-the-less.

  2. That is certainly one of my favorites!

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